Project Overview

The Vision

The vision of Thornbury Acres is to bring families a fulfilling and sustainable farm life while maintaining Blue Mountain’s rich agricultural history. This community is where families pool resources and share the land to deliver produce.


With architecture and landscapes reflecting the area's rich agricultural history, residents and visitors will have opportunities to explore, learn, and taste nature's bounty through the site's various community greenhouses, garden plots, and orchards.


Thornbury Acres will have an array of passive open spaces, outdoor living rooms, and amenities that support active and healthy lifestyles; all connected by a series of leisure trails and with direct access to regional cycling routes.


Through the creation of naturalized buffers, low-impact development systems and practices, community agriculture initiatives, and the preservation of the site's woodlots, forests, and natural topography, sustainability will be at the core of Thornbury Acres.

The Farm

The agricultural and recreational common elements include farm facilities, orchards, market gardens, food forests, bee apiaries, butternut meadows, trail networks, etc.

The Barn & Community Lawn

The Barn and Community lawn sit in the heart of the farm as a meeting post and welcome station for guests and visitors. Intended to host community events, workshops and farmers markets.

Open Space & Trail

With open space & trails designed for walking, running, and biking, residents will be well served and able to explore the site's various orchards, natural features, and amenities.


The Homesteads of Thornbury Acres will bring together the modern, rural, and sustainable design to create 37 unique, well-intentioned residential properties that provide innovative architectural forms and thematic landscape patterns respectful of the surrounding adjacent rural and agriculturally rich community. These private parcels will range in size from 1.3 to 1.5 acres and include a number of sustainable design elements, including preserved landscapes and naturalized plantings. Homes will also be equipped with the latest sustainable and smart technologies.

Learning Opportunities For The Next Generations

The Agricultural Cooperative Program will support two seasonal internship positions for aspiring regenerative farmers to learn from and support the agricultural manager and curator in tending to the core agri-infrastructure and coordination across the property.

The agricultural manager, farm interns and the Co-Op board will work collaboratively with residents throughout the year to maximize their collective shares of produce, and activate the agricultural cooperative infrastructure across the property as part of agri-tourism in the region.

Project Timeline

Castlepoint Numa acquired the 100-acre Thornbury Golf Course lands in the Town of Blue Mountains.



Castlepoint Numa assembles project team, and develops farm cooperatives concept plan.

Castlepoint Numa present the proposed farm cooperative concept plan to the Town of Blue Mountains council.

Feb 28th, 2022

Partnership established with Houghton Family on the neighbouring 52 acre parcel. Expanding the total land area to 152 acres.

May, 2022

Staff from Grey County and the Town of the Blue Mountains held a design review committee on the proposed farm cooperative site plan and circulated comments.

August, 2022

Castlepoint Numa responds to the staff comments and updates the proposed farm cooperative site plan.

September, 2022

October, 2022

Thornbury Acres project team commenced final reports towards submission.

Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment submitted to the Grey County and Town of Blue Mountains on the proposed farm cooperative site plan.

December 20th, 2022

February 9th, 2023

In-person Public Open House to share the concept design with community stakeholders. Learn more about the details here.

May 16th, 2023

Community Consultation Meeting hosted by the Town of the Blue Mountains. Learn more about the details here.

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